
Full-Moon-in-Aquarius-Lunar-Eclipse, Retrograde-Mercury and Lion’s Gate Portal Coming Too?—OH MY! Keep Calm & Hold the Light!

Dear Ones: 

There is so much going on right now~~have you felt like you were going crazy or that the world around you has? Hang in there! You are SO not alone.

We are coming to the time of the ‘great reveal’ ~~ where so many things that were hidden are now coming to Light. We find ourselves also in the beginnings of a time of accountability. 

The last months have seen many of you feeling a build up of energetic flow in different ways. Some have been feeling what are now commonly referred to as Ascension symptoms: wildly fluctuating energies, alternating exhaustion and feeling agitated or buzzing, odd pitches or buzzing in your ears, headaches, pains in whatever parts of your bodies have been injured or compromised before.

For many of you the erratic transformational energies of the last few months have felt like some kind of emotional and/or mental crisis. Either for you, yourself, or in the lives of people around you whose crises affect your lives.

I’ve been feeling all that myself, and more too! In great gratitude (and with a true sense of relief) I share with you that at last we’ve come to an amazing and powerful time ~~ where we have real opportunity to cleanse, re-balance, and heal. 

Friday July 27th, is a very special and powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. With this Lunar Eclipse on the 27th we fully enter and begin to tune ourselves into a plasma star-gate, an energetic portal that has been long known as the 8:8 Lion’s Gate. Its energies, which we have been feeling for some days, now open up. They will peak on August 8th (8:8) and will finish later in the month of August, when the Sun moves into Virgo.

What IS this Lion’s Gate and why is it so special?

It’s a time when our Sun is conjunct or directly aligned with the Sirius star system. We receive transformational energetic codes, and it is THE most powerful period of the year for manifestation.

The last 6 months or so have been an amazing time of chaos, confusion, conflict and miscommunication. We’ve been through months of extremely trying times, building up all kinds of things that we can now (and really must) release and let go of. Yes, it’s intense. There is much energetic challenge and there is also much energetic support. Now’s the time to catch and ride this wave. It’s a powerful time for making personal breakthroughs.

The Sirius Solar Stargate is completely open now and powerful waves of energy are now being transmitted to us here on earth. Accept. Receive. Go with the flow.

People all around the world are meeting this time in a variety of ways. 
At the end of this blog post you will find links to three global synchronized meditations that I myself will be participating in, and I invite you to join. They are FREE. Groups of volunteers around the globe have been working to create meditations accessible to many, with guided audios, not only in English but in a number of other languages. 

Please note: although the Global Mass Meditations are scheduled to do together during the eclipse on the 27th, you may also do any of these three meditations at any time that you feel guided to do so, in fact, it will be quite beneficial to do them whenever you feel so guided, especially during these next few weeks! 

The Lunar Eclipse Ascension Meditation is 25 minutes and scheduled to start at the beginning of the Lunar Eclipse at 7:30 pm UTC ~~ this is 3:30 pm Eastern USA time, 2:30 pm Central USA time, 1:30 pm Mountain USA time & 12:30 pm Pacific USA time.

My dears, this will be the longest Lunar eclipse of the century, and we have much balancing to achieve ~~ both in our own individual lives and to help balance the world around us. There are two more shorter meditations to help anchor Balance and Peace energies into the planetary grid, and also an Inner Marriage Meditation to assist with balancing the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies on earth and your own Inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies. I encourage you to participate in all of them.

That old Mercury just entered it's second retrograde period of 2018 in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday the 26th of July, again in a Fire sign, 
and will be retrograding until August 18th.

It’s OK. Once we understand how to use the retrogrades they don’t have to be so scary or horrible! Mercury retrogrades are a great time to clean house, to assess and get rid of what no longer serves you, to finish things that need to be finished. A fine time to plan and research what you wish to begin once mercury goes direct again, to leave things that need to be left, and discard things that need to be discarded. These can be habits, projects, jobs, even relationships.

The last Mercury Retrograde was in Aries,in March. This one is in yet another fire sign ~~ Leo.
Both have  tendency to dramatics & aggressive communication styles. Brace yourselves for misunderstandings where our pride and egos are on the line. If we all remain aware of these retrograde  tendencies for people (including ourselves) to go off half-cocked, if we guard remarks, double and triple check what we say before we speak or before hitting send ~~ we can make it through just fine. 

The conjunction of the Moon with Mars retrograde may test your patience. It will be important to remain calm in a crisis. You may have incidents where your patience is tested, or people around you are emotionally unpredictable.

 6 planets are in Fixed Signs, reminding you to be adaptable and flexible.

How can we work together in an efficient and productive way?  We can see this from the microcosm of personal and community relationships to the macrocosm of national and global issues.
Mars is retrograde: please let us choose to stop fighting one another and explore instead the co-creation of new ways to resolve disagreements. We might in the next weeks experience increased tension, tempers popping, the kind of karmic triggers that involve misuse of power or abusive behaviors.

Forgiving is key. But forgiving does not mean accepting the unacceptable.
 Be ready. We will learn things about some that will shock and surprise us. Some things that we will not want to believe. Yet there WILL be accountability. 
In the next weeks I will be sharing some powerful stories and techniques for forgiveness that I hope will inspire and empower you. The next few weeks are a process and a powerful opportunity to evolve.

We are coming to a time of HEALING. A time of BALANCING what has so long been out of balance. Our collective programming has been to stay divided and not go deep. And yet, to move towards the Ascension that we all want comes with willingness to override that disconnect. The confusion, chaos and distortions of the past are all coming to Light, and as more Light pours in, we create more Light among us, continuing to raise our own frequencies and the frequency of our beloved planet. All kinds of transformations and corrections are in play. The next few weeks  will be time of completion & unification.

Beloveds: this July 27th Full Blood Moon with Lunar Eclipse is a real opportunity for emotional and spiritual cleansing. This eclipse is the longest in the last 100 years. It will be the LONGEST total lunar eclipse in the entire 21st century, lasting four hours from start to finish, and the eclipse will be in totality for 103 minutes! It’s this LONG to allow us to really release the many things there are to release so that we can begin fresh on a whole new level! 

It’s time: let us face the stored traumas and fears we’ve stored away or held on to (for how long?) and release them before coming into the 8:8 Lion’s Gateway. This is not a passive process, my Loves!
It is YOUR choice to ACTIVATE your revival, your renewal, your rising in frequency and ability to move across dimensions!

 These waves of energy now coming in contain the new Light Codes and activations for our evolution on this plane of existence. Your Inner Self can be highly activated at this time. You can really connect with your Higher Self!

We are called to focus on what we want to see in the new earth, what new life we desire as we evolve, what to manifest on our journeys  toward Peace and Harmony. More and more people are awakening and everyone has their own unique timeline, people are at different levels, so be patient and understand others may not understand what and when you do.

Yet we are going through a collective lesson in discernment. 

If we allow, we are downloading, receiving activations from all parts of this galaxy and beyond. So many old layers have been coming up the last few weeks, especially. So many heavy dense emotions, so many ups and downs. If you take this Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse as a cleanse for your Soul you can use it as a hard reset for your emotions. Face your fears, allow the tears, and feel free to rid yourself of some unwanted emotional baggage. If things have been building to what has felt like an unbearable crescendo ~~ allow your slate to be wiped clean. Concern yourself with your own personal alignment ~~ and it will help to stay silent rather than speaking out without thinking. There will be time.

LOVE one another and remember who you are. I LOVE you ALL so very much.

Three meditations during this LONG Lunar Eclipse! One when it begins at  7:30 pm UTC--which is 3:30 pm EASTERN USA time, 2:30 pm Central USA time, 1:30 pm Mountain USA time & 12:30 pm Pacific USA time-- to anchor the energies of the longest Lunar eclipse of the century, to anchor balance & peace energies into the planetary grid, & also to assist with Inner Marriage--to balance your own Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine energies. 

As raised by our brother Untwine in his blogpost:
‘this total Lunar eclipse is "about healing the Divine Masculine…If we want to really align with the Light and with Higher Self we have to make the Sacred Union because this is how the energies are in origin, One in the Soul. If we want to make the Sacred Union, we can't project it all outside on a partner and outside sources, truly the only way it can happen is if we integrate both inside first.’

The Lunar Eclipse Ascension Meditation (at the beginning of the lunar eclipse) 7:30 pm UTC--which is 3:30 pm EASTERN USA time, 2:30 pm Central USA time, 1:30 pm Mountin USA time & 12:30 pm Pacific USA time

English guided audio: https://youtu.be/1nwEQxGxdHk. 

Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:


The guided audio playlist (many languages) here:

If you are in different time zones—you can check the times of the meditations for your time zone here

Meditation for anchoring Balance and Peace energies into the planetary grid (Lunar Eclipse Meditation) will be at the exact moment of the maximum Lunar eclipse on July 27th at 8:21 pm UTC ~~ this is 4:21 pm Eastern USA time, 3:21 pm Central USA time, 2:21 pm Mountain USA time & 1:21 pm Pacific USA time.

Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:

Guided audio playlist:

Afterwards, you can also do the short Meditation for Inner Marriage to balance your own Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:

Guided audio playlist:

Here is the English guided audio meditation: 

Great Mystery, teach me to trust so I can enter my Sacred Space, love beyond my fear, & walk in balance with the passing of each glorious sun.

Goddess wants Unity and Unity it will be!

please note: My writings (and those of guest bloggers) are copyrighted and you may share this blog in it’s entirety or portions of it (with quotations marks please) for non-commercial uses with LINKS to the original website zeevaamrita.blogspot.com

For commercial reprints, please contact me at zeevaamrita@gmail.com

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Full-Moon-in-Aquarius-Lunar-Eclipse, Retrograde-Mercury and Lion’s Gate Portal Coming Too?—OH MY! Keep Calm & Hold the Light!

Dear Ones: 

There is so much going on right now~~have you felt like you were going crazy or that the world around you has? Hang in th...